Words are the most important tool/resource/talent we have.
- Essay Composition
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When the words just won't come to mind, let them come to mine!
You think it. You Say it. It will be.
When it's time to refine keep me in mind!
A Writer's Chaos is the Future of Humanity
..... Remember the 7th grade? It was your first Binder. You know the one, with the clear pockets for your pictures and stickers - all the fun stuff!
Now, do you remember learning how to take notes? -- There's a secret nobody told you -- note taking is an ART to be designed by and for the note taker.
Conventional note taking, but Technology works, too!
Exercising the creativity within.
*** A chaotic future will result from writers not writing in the present.
- April R. D.
Advocacy is the inspiration behind Avenue 32.
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